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Grace Kim

Registered Massage Therapist















Meet Grace Kim, an extraordinary clinical Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) and Kinesiologist. Grace's unique approach to RMT, coupled with her extensive experience and passion for health and wellness, will undoubtedly bring tremendous benefits to our valued patients.

The Lotus Functional Integration Technique (LFIT): A Game-Changer in RMT

At the heart of Grace Kim's expertise lies her innovative creation, the Lotus Functional Integration Technique (LFIT). This groundbreaking technique focuses on releasing the fascia of the muscles, promoting improved mobility and flexibility. LFIT goes beyond traditional massage therapy by activating and strengthening stability muscles, providing essential support to joints. Additionally, Grace incorporates stretching exercises for larger muscle groups, creating a harmonious balance of tension and integrity within the body.

Specializing in Ailments and Conditions

Grace Kim's expertise extends to a wide range of ailments and conditions. She specializes in treating and managing:

  • Chronic muscle and joint pain

  • Postural imbalances

  • Sports injuries and rehabilitation

  • Stress-related tension and anxiety

  • Limited mobility and flexibility

  • Autoimmune disorders

A Journey of Personal Transformation

Grace Kim's remarkable journey in the health and wellness industry is a testament to her dedication and passion for helping others. Having faced her own health challenges early in life, Grace was inspired to pursue Integrative Medicine studies with renowned experts like Dr. George Grant, Paul Oakley, Dr. Uche Odiatu and Stephanie Chaney. Her commitment to a strict diet and exercise routine enabled her to overcome Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disorder, further motivating her to share her knowledge and expertise with others.

Beyond RMT: Holistic Wellness Services

At her own wellness clinic in Newmarket, Ontario called LFIT Wellness Centre, Grace Kim offers more than just massage therapy. As a certified Life, Health, and Relationship Coach, Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Fitness Instructor, she provides a holistic approach to health and wellness. Her services include:

  • LFIT Fascia Release Technique (Lotus Functional Integration Technique)

  • Proper Remedial Exercise Techniques

  • Bio Scan SRT (Stress Reduction Therapy) for energy and emotional balancing

  • Personalized rehabilitation plans

  • Zumba classes for a fun and energetic workout

  • Empowering Others: Grace's Mission

Grace Kim's accomplishments are a testament to her unwavering dedication to empowering individuals on their journey to optimal health. Her desire to help others extends beyond her Wellness Centre and practice, as she actively contributes to women's leadership and personal development.

Join the Wellness Movement

As a student in the Integrative Medicine PhD program with the World Organization of Natural Medicine and Board of International Medicine, Grace Kim is on a mission to expand her reach and impact through social media. By following Grace, you can stay informed about cutting-edge holistic approaches to pain management and wellness.

At Kulhay Wellness Centre & Vitamin Shop, we are thrilled to have Grace Kim as an integral part of our team for a limited time. Her passion, expertise, and commitment to health and wellness make her an outstanding resource for all seeking a transformative and enriching experience.

Are you ready to embark on your journey to optimal health and wellness? Book a session with Grace Kim today and experience the life-changing benefits of the Lotus Functional Integration Technique and her holistic approach to massage. Together, let's create a healthier and happier you!


​See Grace's schedule and book online here.

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